Recognition of Prior Learning (VAE)
The Recognition of Prior Learning (VAE) allows anyone to value their professional experience.
4 to 6 months depending on the VAE scope chosen
Examination of the admissibility file
Admission criteria
There are no conditions based on age, nationality, level of education, length of experience or status.
Admissibility: €200 excl. Registration: €200 excl. Examination and jury: €1,500 excl. Support: €1800 excluding VAT** plus VAT at the current rate
Recognition of Prior Learning (VAE) enables anyone, regardless of age, nationality, status or level of education, to enhance their professional experience in order to obtain :
- A diploma,
- A certificate of professional qualification,
- A professional certificate registered with the RNCP (Répertoire Nationale des Certifications Professionnelles),
- One or more blocks of skills from a professional qualification registered with the RNCP.
EEMI’s Digital Project Manager professional qualification is therefore accessible via VAE. The certifications validating EEMI’s Master’s degrees, issued by EEMI’s partner certifying bodies, are also accessible by VAE, the VAE process being handled directly by the certifying bodies concerned.
The experience on which the VAE process is based is not subject to any duration condition and may have been acquired in France or abroad, in an employed, self-employed or voluntary capacity, continuously or discontinuously, and may be current and/or past.
VAE Process
At EEMI, the VAE process consists of 6 stages.
This initial discussion will enable us to define your career plans and objectives, confirm your choice of qualification or blocks of skills, answer your questions and inform you about the procedure and funding arrangements.
We can then help you prepare your application.
Once you have decided on the scope of the VAE programme, we will send you a quote to define the services that will make up your VAE pathway and their costs, including the study of your admissibility.
You must complete and send us your application file, which includes :
- An application form,
- A self-assessment grid for the skills listed in the RNCP certification reference framework,
- A list of compulsory supporting documents (depending on your status),
- A sworn statement to the effect that only one VAE application has been submitted for the qualification in question and that you have not submitted more than three VAE applications for different qualifications in the current calendar year.
The application will be declared admissible within 2 months.
Once we have received a positive opinion on your eligibility application, we will contractualise your VLE process, depending on your status and the method of financing chosen, and whether or not you need support from EEMI in drafting your validation file.
If you opt for support, EEMI will provide you with a coach who will assist and guide you in structuring your approach and producing your dossier for presentation to the VAE jury.
They will help you to :
- Take a step back from your past or current experience,
- Analyse the tasks you have carried out in terms of method, autonomy and results,
- Identify and describe in an objective and factual manner your activities that illustrate your mastery of the skills covered by the certification,
- Present the corresponding evidence,
- Structure the information provided in the validation file,
- Prepare your oral presentation to the VAE panel.
The aim of the viva is to enable :
- The candidate to add to or enhance the information contained in his/her validation file,
- The members of the jury to check the veracity and authorship of the evidence provided by the candidate, to complete their understanding of the candidate’s activities, results, know-how and interpersonal skills, and to rule on whether the skills observed match those required for certification.
The viva is divided into 3 parts:
- 30 minutes of presentation by the candidate, possibly with visual aids,
- 20 minutes for discussion with the jury,
- 10 minutes for the jury to deliberate.
The certification panel concludes its deliberations with a decision that can take 3 forms :
- Award of full certification (total validation),
- Award of blocks of skills (partial validation), which means that if you wish to obtain full validation, you will have to start a new VAE process based on additional experience,
- Refusal of certification, if you are unable to demonstrate your skills in any of the skill blocks.
The benefit of the validated blocks is acquired indefinitely, but their capitalisation to obtain the full certification is limited to 2 years from the date of admissibility and is conditional on the validity of the certification and the fact that the blocks of skills of the certification in force at the time of the new contract are equivalent to those of the certification targeted by the first VAE process.
Courses available through VAE at EEMI
- Bachelor’s in Digital Project Manager
- Master’s in Tech lead / Digital Marketing / UI, UX / Art direction