Accessibility at EEMI

At EEMI, we make it a point of honor to make our programs accessible to people with disabilities. This starts from the moment you gather information on our website, which has been optimized to facilitate access for everyone, following the fundamental rules of accessibility.

Accessibility of our website

In order to make our website accessible to as many people as possible, we have made it a priority to implement several elements:

  • A “Skip to content” link that allows users to skip the links in the header, including the menu.
  • The tab order of the pages is logical and respects the reading direction and hierarchy of information within each page. Any action that can be performed using a mouse should also be accessible using the keyboard.
  • We have followed the recommendations of the RGAA (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) for handling alternative texts on images, whether they are decorative or convey information.
  • We use the Honeypot technique (invisible captcha) that is completely invisible to users and does not require any actions that could be challenging for individuals with visual or auditory disabilities.
  • Special attention has been given to maintaining focus on all interactive elements