Partner companies

The EEMI aims to train passionate and competent students to become accomplished professionals. To facilitate connections between our students and companies, we organize various interactions throughout the year, including presentations, projects, workshops, research, job datings, and more. We also have different types of partnerships that allow us to address the challenges and needs of our partners.

Work-study program at EEMI

EEMI students can opt for a work-study program from the 1st year onwards for Bachelors and Masters courses.

EEMI students have the option to choose a work-study program starting from the 2nd year for Bachelor’s programs and from the 1st year for Master’s programs.

All our work-study programs follow a schedule of one week at school and three weeks at the company.

Work-study programs are available through apprenticeship contracts or professionalization contracts.

Internships at EEMI

EEMI students also have the option to complete their Bachelor’s program in the traditional full-time format. Internship periods are as follows:

  • 1st-year Bachelor’s : 2 months
  • 2nd-year Bachelor’s : 2 months
  • 3rd-year Bachelor’s : 4 months

All internships at EEMI are subject to an internship agreement, which must be signed before the start of the internship.

Requests for internship agreements should be sent to the Business Relations department, which will provide the necessary form.

Please allow an average of one week for processing the request and sending the document for signature.

Recruit your future collaborators

To assist companies in finding the right profiles, EEMI has established various tools and key moments dedicated to student-company interactions:

  • Job datings: These are networking events where our students and participating companies can engage in accelerated recruitment interviews.
  • EEMI’s jobteaser platform: Companies can post their internship, apprenticeship, freelance, temporary, and permanent job offers targeted at EEMI students and alumni. Companies can also create their partner profile to increase visibility among EEMI students and alumni.

become a partner

Guest Speaking at EEMI

Throughout the year, EEMI organizes events that serve as springboards for real company projects, such as hackathons, design sprints, workshops, and experience sharing sessions.

If you wish to propose a project or share your experience during a class, please contact the Business Relations department, who will review your request and assess its feasibility.

Apprenticeship Tax

To support our development, you have the option to allocate the apprenticeship tax to EEMI.

For any questions, please contact our Business Relations department.

Training Your Employees

Do you want to provide your employees with opportunities for skills development? The Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) is the solution!

This measure allows anyone with professional experience, regardless of age, status, or level of education, to have their skills recognized based on their practical experience.

VAE enables individuals to obtain a professional certification by validating their experience, whether gained through professional or non-professional activities.


Have a question? Contact us!


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Business Relations Department